Many hands make light work.

What can you do to make a difference?

Volunteering Opportunities

  • Help students and teachers

    Volunteer in the classroom or at school. There are many opportunities to help out directly with students during the day; chaperone a field trip, bring snack donations, help with picture day , be on lunch supervision duty, conduct recess supervision, etc. You must have completed the SPS volunteering application before working with students directly. Teachers may reach out directly to classroom families for these jobs and our PTA volunteer coordinator will send out emails to the parent community regularly with many of these requests. Here is a list of current and ongoing volunteer asks for the year.

    Would you like to be a family facilitator? You would be able to do most of this from home via email. Your main responsibility would connecting families within the grade level by keeping a contact list for the grade and organizing class/family social gatherings. If needed, teachers may contact you for more connecting opportunities. There is a family facilitator coordinator who will help guide you with this role. We could use help with the 3rd and 5th grades, currently.

    Lead an after school enrichment class! Do you have a talent or skill you would be able to share with kids? We are open to all ideas. Check out the after school enrichment page and reach out if you would like to participate.

    Volunteer in the classroom or at school. There are many opportunities to help out directly with students during the day; chaperone a field trip, bring snack donations, help with picture day , be on lunch supervision duty, conduct recess supervision, etc. You must have completed the SPS volunteering application before working with students directly. Teachers may reach out directly to classroom families for these jobs and our PTA volunteer coordinator will send out emails to the parent community regularly with many of these requests. Here is a list of current and ongoing volunteer asks for the year.

    Family Support committee is always looking for help. They work closely with the Family Support Worker to see the needs of the families at Leschi. There are ways to help with break backpacks, the Giving Garland and all other needs that arise over the school year.

  • Be part of a committee, perform a specific task

    So many of the jobs that keep things rolling around Leschi are done at home by volunteers on their own time. We will need co-chairs and many jobs filled for the upcoming year.

    sit on a committee and help the team by having a specific task. We are looking for new members in all areas.

    Yearbook- design and create pages, take photos, manage student and staff lists, etc.

    Finance, fundraising, treasury- collect checks, organize deposits, keep track of giving, send emails for fundraising purposes, create thank you notes and keep track of giving records.

    Communications- change the reader board sign, help update the website, post to social media, etc.

    Spirit Wear- make orders, manage inventory, promote sales, oversee shirt distribution

  • Lead a project, help run a committee, plan an event

    We are always looking for new leaders and co-hairs to start signing up to take the lead for next year’s committee’s and events.

    Events like the Fall Fest, Taste of Leschi, Black History Night, Family Dance, all need co-chairs. Sign up with a friend or learn the ropes from a former chair. We are all here to help each other and provide great opportunities for our community.

    The executive committee will have many openings that need to be filled next year. If you’re interested, but don’t know where to start, sit on the PTA board as a member at large and learn the ropes. It’s a great way to be involved, but not overcommit. You can take it slow and see what needs to be done or where you can best help out.

    Our Fundraising committee is looking to expand this year. Do you have any fundraising experience that you would like to share with our committee?

    Our After School Enrichment offerings are taking a back seat this year, since we don’t not have the volunteers to provide on-campus offerings. If you think you could help get more activity up and running, let us know!

PTA roles and committees

Our current list and descriptions of officers, chairs, committee positions and vacancies found here. Please consider joining in!